Saturday 21 September 2013

Irregular periods


Message*: Hi How do I calculate my safe days if my periods are irregular.


Calculating irregular periods is a  bit tricky but then again some patient/clients think their periods are irregular while actually they are not .So how irregular are your periods ? state with dates where possible.


Thanks so much for your reply. kindly see below how my period have behaved for last five months

Sep 2012       - started 19th - 22nd
Oct 2012        -  15th - 19th
Nov 2012        -  10th - 13th
Dec 2012        -  06th - 09th
Jan 2013        -  02nd - 6th
Jan 2013        -  22nd - 31st

Secondly,if you have sex two day after your period are over what are the charges of you getting pregnant.


30 - 22 + 15 = 23
30 - 19 + 10 = 21
30 - 13 + 06 = 23
30 - 09 + 02 = 23
22 - 06 = 16

23 + 21 + 23 + 23 '/. 4 = 22.5
As it is you have a period circle of 23 days. so unsafe days  becomes 23 divide by 2 plus/minus 4  which brings the answer to 7 and 15 . The above calculation simply means that  between day 7 and 15 of your periods you are likely to get pregnant.

It important that you know this nobody really have sharp date that if its 30 days then periods come after thirty days every month, there are always that variation of one to two days. as for The 16 days of January that could as a result of stress psychological   ,sickness or drug induced e.g contraceptives  pills OR it could sign of pregnancy called spotting so consider doing a pregnancy test.

If you have unprotected sex  (though don't unless otherwise e.g married ) outside the  bracket  of  your unsafe days you are unlikely to get pregnant.

Fill free to contact as many times if you have any further questions



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